Major Conflagration


6s 5000mAH Zippy lipo being chared on an Astroflight 109 version 2 blinky balancer charging a 2 amps I had just charge 3 6s Thunder power 5000mah and the the Zippy was on the thrid and final cycle and was not puffed or damaged in any way. Went iside and started watching a movie about half way through the movie my dog starts acting like he wants me to let him out to go pee so I put him out hear what sounded like knocking coming from the Garage start to make my way down about 15 feet from it when all of the sudden BOOM door blast open and big orange ball of fire rush in I run out and is see several small fires burning though out the garage and the garage door blown off. I was able to get the fire out by hitting them with a pair of shorts from the laundry basket.receive a few small burns from some of the melting plastic hitting me. As you can see in the photos above there was a Spray paint can on the bench that exploded causing a flash fire to blow the doors open and off. Everyone is ok Home owner insure is investigating house is boarded up and awaiting cleaning of the smoke damage they told us not to stay there due to the strong and irratating plastic smell and soot on the walls is not good for kids so we are staying in a friends 5th wheel in front of the house. To all those want to bash on me and say this would never happen to them good for you. 

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