From the West on 118 exit at Collins Rd; At stop sign, continue straight onto Old Los Angeles Avenue approx. 1.8 mi. to Quimisa Dr. look for Oak Park sign. Turn left and enter Oak Park by going over railroad tracks. There is a park entrance fee stop sign at the gate. The fee is for day use of the park, you can proceed to the field without paying the entrance fee. If challenged, say that you are going to the Simi Valley Flyers field. Proceed into the park to stop sign make right turn and then a left to the lower parking area. Go to the end of the lower parking area and you will see a sign indicating the Simi Valley Flyers field entrance, proceed up the dirt road until you get to the field.
From the East, exit 118 at Madera Rd (south) turning right on access and again right at signal onto Madera Rd. Continue South on Madera to second signal, Easy Street; Turn right and proceed for approx 2 miles - Road becomes Old Los Angeles Ave. Look for Oak Park sign, turn right at Quimisa Dr. Enter Oak Park by going over railroad tracks. There is a park entrance fee stop sign at the gate. The fee is for day use of the park, you can proceed to the field without paying the entrance fee. If challenged, say that you are going to the Simi Valley Flyers field. Proceed into the park to stop sign make right turn and then a left to the lower parking area. Go to the end of the lower parking area and you will see a sign indicating the Simi Valley Flyers field entrance, proceed up the dirt road until you get to the field.